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Male and Female Figurines - Part II

Brand New Prices
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New Prices as of June 2007
- MF-163B, Napoleon Bonapaarte Bust by R. Nannini, 18" H x 12" W x 12"
D, Weight=31 lbs. - Price=Price List
MF-169B, The Secrets by Claude-Michel Clodion, 17 1/4" H x 11" W x 10"
D, Weight=55 lbs. - Price=Price List
- MF-169LB, The Secrets (Lamp) by Claude-Michel Clodion, 21" H x 11"
W x 9" D, Weight=48 lbs. - Price=Price List
- MF-173B
Huntsman with Hounds by Hippolyte-Francois Moreau (man) and Prosper Lecoutier (dog),
32" H x 15"W x 15" D, Weight=107 lbs. - Price=Price List
- MF-174B Lovers by Luca Madrassi, 29" H x 16"
W x 16" D, Weight=130 lbs. - Price=Price List
- MF-174B Lovers (Lamp) by Luca Madrassi, 29.5" H x 16"
W x 16" D, Weight=130 lbs. - Price=Price List
MF-180B Crusader (Le Preur) by
Maurice Favre, 23" H x 10" W x 10" D, Weight=52 lbs. -
Price=Price List
MF-181B Aurora by Auguste Moreau,
25" H x 10" W x 8" D, Weight=35 lbs. - Price=Price List
- MF-181LB Aurora (Lamp) by Auguste Moreau, 32" H x 11" W x 10"
D, Weight=45 lbs. - Price=Price List
- MF-182B Young Dancer by XX, 39" H x xx" W x xx"
D, Weight=81 lbs. - Price=Price List
MF-183B Kiss Bestowed by Jean
Antoine Houdan, 11 1/2" H x 9" W x 8" D, Weight=22 lbs. -
Price=Price List
- MF-184BGirl With Parrot by Demetre H. Chiparus, 14" H x 18" W x
6" D, Weight=39 lbs. - Price=Price List
MF-185B Nocturne by Edward-Louis Collet, 42" H x 25" W x 17"
D, Weight=42 lbs. - Price=Price List
MF-186B Porter of Tunis by Jean-Didier Debut, 26" H x 12" W x 12"
D, Weight=70 lbs. - Price=Price List
- MF-187B Bacchanalia by Claude-Michel Clodion, 23 1/2" H x 13" W x
12" D, Weight=57 lbs. - Price=Price List
- MF-188B Ram and Serpent Ewer by Claude-Michel Clodion, 21" H x 10"
W x 8" D, Weight=50 lbs. - Price=Price List
Decco Maiden (Lamp) by Gustave Gurschner, 20" H x 10" W x 6 1/2"
D, Weight=25 lbs. - Price=Price List
- MF-190B Fee et La Source by Mathurin Moreau, 15" H x 8" W x 8"
D, Weight=28 lbs. - Price=Price List
MF-191 Flower Petal Plate (Comes without Marble Base) by Unknown, 5 1/2" H x 9 1/2" W x 8 1/2"
L, Weight=18 lbs. - Price=Price List
MF-194B Yarn Spinner by Delmas,
30" H x 13" W x 10" D, Weight=52 lbs. - Price=Price List
MF-195B Pebble Thrower by Erole
Ferrata, 26" H x 12" W x 10" D, Weight=53 lbs. - Price=Price List
Girl with Basket by Auguste Moreau, 27" H x 15" W x 10" D,
Weight=66 lbs. - Price=Price List
Girl with Basket (Lamp) by Auguste Moreau, 27.75" H x 15" W x 10" D,
Weight=66 lbs. - Price=Price List
- MF-197B Country Lovers by Auguste Moreau, 21" H x 10" W x 8"
D, Weight=54 lbs. - Price=Price List
Grecian Vase by Unknown 11 3/4" H x 6" W x 6" D,
Weight=22 lbs. - Price=Price List
mf-199008B Ballerina by A. Fayrel, 13 1/2" H x 6" W x 6" D,
Weight=23 lbs. - Price=Price List
- MF-199009B Enjoue or On Joue by Auguste Moreau, 19 1/2" H x 12" W
x 14" D, Weight=59 lbs. - Price=Price List
MF-199010B Fille Au Chat by J.
de Ranieri, 21" H x 10" W x 10" D, Weight=38 lbs. -
Price=Price List
- MF-199010LB Fille Au Chat (Lamp) by J. de Ranieri, 22" H x 8" W
x 8" D, Weight=34 lbs. - Price=Price List
- MF-199011 Champagne Girl (Right-Not available on marble base) by F. de
Luca, 28 1/2" H x 15" W x 11" D, Weight=46 lbs. -
Price=Price List
- MF-199012 Champagne Girl (Left-Not available on marble base) by F. de
Luca, 28 1/2" H x 15" W x 11" D, Weight=46 lbs. -
Price=Price List
MF-199019B Young Lovers by
Auguste Moreau, 21" H x 10" W x 8" D, Weight=43 lbs. -
Price=Price List
- MF-199021B Flower Girl (Lamp) by Auguste Moreau, 38" H x 12" W x
12" D, Weight=126 lbs. - Price=Price List
MF-199024B Harvest Time Girl by
J. Morie, 15" H x 4 1/2" W x 4 1/2" D, Weight=24 lbs. -
Price=Price List (Lamp) Price=Price List
MF-199025B Harvest Pickin' Boy
by J. Morie, 15 1/2" H x 4 1/2" W x 4 1/2" D, Weight=25 lbs. -
Price=Price List (Lamp) Price=Price List
- MF-199026LB Maiden (Lamp) by Auguste Moreau, 26" H x 10" W x 8"
D, Weight=60 lbs. - Price=Price List
Tulip Girl (Lamp) by Gustave Gurschner, 17" H x 7" W x 7" D,
Weight+15 lbs. - Price=Price List
MF-199028B Themis, Goddess of
Justice by Mayer, 23" H x 9" W x 8" D, Weight=33 lbs. -
Price=Price List (Lamp) Price=Price List
- MF-199028SB Themis, Goddess of Justice (mini) by Mayer, 10" H,
Weight=15 lbs. - Price=Price List
- MF-199029B Age of Innocence by Delmas, 29" H x 10" W x 10"
D, Weight=52 lbs. - Price=Price List
MF-199032B Angel Ewer by Victor
Paillard, 25" H x 8 1/2" W x 10" D, Weight=42 lbs. -
Price=Price List
- MF-199032VB Angel Ewer (Vase) by Victor Paillard, 12 1/4" H x 10"
W x 8" D, Weight=22 lbs. - Price=Price List
MF-199033B Retour/Decamps by
Auguste Moreau, 15 1/2" H x 6 1/2" W x 6 1/2" D, Weight=22 lbs.
- Price=Price List
MF-199034B Fairy Candlesticks
(Female) by Unknown, 15 1/2" H x 6 1/2" W x 6 1/2" D, Weight=21
lbs. - Price=Price List
- MF-199035B Fairy Candlesticks (Male) by Unknown, 15 1/2" H x 6 1/2"
W x 6 1/2" D, Weight=21 lbs. - Price=Price List
MF-199036B Viking Warrior by
Unknown, 22 1/2" H x 11" W x 11" D, Weight=45 lbs. -
Price=Price List
MF-199038B Angel in the Garden
by Unknown, 10 1/4" H x 6" W x 6" D, Weight=18 lbs. -
Price=Price List (Lamp) Price=Price List
MF-199039B Piano Baby by
Unknown, 11" H x 9 1/2" W x 6" D, Weight=25 lbs. - Price=Price List
mf-199040B Young Fisherman by
Unknown, 13" H x 7" W x 7" D, Weight=23 lbs. - Price=Price List
mf-199041B Wild Berry Picker by
Unknown, 15" H x 6" W x 6" D, Weight=23 lbs. - Price=Price List
mf-199042B Garden Clock by
Unknown, 13" H x 8" W x 6" D, Weight=27 lbs. - Price=Price List
- MF-199043B Harvest Time Children by J. Morie, 10 1/4" H x 7" W x
13" D, Weight=35 lbs. - Price=Price List
mf-199044B Antinea by D.
Chiparus, 25" H x 5" W x 13" D, Weight=55 lbs. - Price=Price List
MF-199045B Comedy Dancer by J.
Descombs, 22 1/2" H x 7" W x 7" D, Weight=28 lbs. -
Price=Price List
MF-199046B Gates of Promise (Not
available on marble base) by D. Chiparus, 24 1/2" H x 11" W x 14"
D, Weight=57 lbs. - Price=Price List
mf-199047B Starfish Dancer by
D. Chiparus, 27" H x 4" W x 4" D, Weight=33 lbs. - Price=Price List
MF-199048B Tierra by Preiss, 17"
H x 4" W x 14 /12" D, Weight=36 lbs. - Price=Price List
- MF-199049B Rameses Entertainer by D. Chiparus, 24" H x 4" W x 4"
D, Weight=26 lbs. - Price=Price List
- MF-199051B La Gloire by Moreau, 32" H x 15" W x 13" D,
Weight=65 lbs. - Price=Price List
- MF-199052B Gypsy by (Artist name not available comes without marble base) 40" H, Weight=115 lbs.
Price=Price List
- MF-199053B Sitting Minstrel by E. Boisseau, 29" H,
Weight=90 lbs. - Price=Price List
- MF-199054B Boy with a Roster by Emile LaPorte, 38" H x 15" W x 15" D,
Weight=120 lbs. - Price=Price List
- MF-199055 Moments Clock by Unknown, 101/2" H x 14" W x 4" D,
Price=Price List
- MF-199056 Memories Clock by Unknown, 91/4" H x 141/2" W x 4" D,
Price=$Price List
- MF-199057 Flowers of Time Clock by Unknown, 101/2" H x 71/2" W x 21/2" D,
Price=Price List
- MF-199058B Royal Guardsman by Albert-Ernest Carrier-Belleuse, 28" H x 12" W x 9" D,
Weight=61 lbs., Price=Price List
Old Glory Antique Marketplace The Four Winds Collection
Booth C-1, Four Winds Collection P.O. Box 404
5862 Urbana Pike or Monrovia, Maryland 21770-0404
Frederick, Maryland 21701 1-866-368-7946 or (301) 831-6142 10am-10pm EST
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Male and Female Figurine I |
Order Information
Last Update 06/27/2007
© 1997-2007 The Four Winds Collection